Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Octabong is No Joke

I have been a regular visitor of BustedTees since I discovered it's Connected Ventures sister site, Collegehumor, and have gladly paid for slightly overpriced t-shirts over the year(s) because they're pretty damn clever, yet not widely known enough that you'll see the same friggin' t-shirt on eight other people every day you wear it.

So, I was surprised that their newly advertised Octabong. was not a joke. Seriously? It sounds like satire, but the guys over at BT are for real - they are peddling an 8-armed compartmental beer bong so binge drinking can be even more team-related than before. The price of $45 seems a little steep, but hey, I'm really not their target market (when beyond pure demographic is considered). I guess they're trying to branch out from t-shirts - I wonder what's next.

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